Women's Oversized Striped Shirt Pants Suit Lapel Long Sleeves Top High Elastic Waist Pockets Straight Leg Pant Female Set
Product Description:100% Brand New with Tag
Color: colors as shown
Size: There is the Asian sizes
(Measurement difference from1-3cm,pleasemake sure to check your body measurement really matches to this set. All measurement is in cm and please note 1cm=0.39inch)
It costs $4 and takes about 10-20 days to arrive using standard shipping. Here are the variants of shipping time according to different countries.
USA, Australia, Canada, Europe: 7-15 days (standard shipping) South & Central America: 30 days (standard shipping) Brazil: 20 days (standard shipping) Middle East: 7-15 days (standard shipping) Asia: about 3-10 days Other Countries: about 20 days
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